Come and go
Weitere Informationen
Traugott Fünfgeld – Notenheft: Spirituals für Posaunenchor
Aus dem Inhalt:
66 Seiten, festes Papier
Aus dem Inhalt:
- Ain't a-that good news
- Amazing grace
- Be till and know
- Come and go
- Every time I feel the spirit
- He's got his eyes on you
- Give me Jesus (Partitur), Hohe Stimmen, Tiefe Stimmen
- Goin to ride up (Partitur), Hohe Stimmen, Tiefe Stimmen
- I don't feel no ways tired (A)
- Good news in the kingdom
- I don't feel no ways tired (B) (Partitur), Hohe Stimmen, Tiefe Stimmen
- If we never needed the Lord before
- Little David play on your harp (Partitur), Hohe Stimmen, Tiefe Stimmen
- Rise up shepherd
- Rock my soul
- Somebody's knocking at your door
- Steal away to Jesus
- There's a meeting here tonight
- Were you there
- When Israel was in Egypt's land
66 Seiten, festes Papier
Produktnummer: | 128132 |
Hersteller / Verlag: | Strube Verlag GmbH |
Format: | DIN A4 |